It's no wonder the Republican party is often portrayed in the media as harboring racist, conspiracy theory nut jobs and cultish kooks when you have people like Ron Paul and his supporters holding and running for office; sticking an R in front of their names because they can't win without major party affiliation. Here in California, where Republicans are already the "off brand" label in most districts, legitimate candidates face the additional burden of distancing themselves from the delusional who hide amongst the discerning. The rest of the country has come to expect political lunacy from California; long lampooned and caricatured for posterity, this beautiful state's political reputation precedes itself, and it's not a pretty picture.
This election cycle does not disappoint; particularly in the Central Valley.
Running as a Republican for the Central Committee in District 2, candidate Steve Wayte stands out for his fringe beliefs and efforts to incorporate them into mainstream Republican politics. A man whose Tea Party leadership places him in a position of limited and marginally persuasive authority among the confused and misdirected, Mr. Wayte is not all that important or influential in the grand political spectrum, despite his best continued efforts to convey that image. But, he does represent the face of some of what ails the Republican party's image and virtually spoon feeds fodder to the increasingly successful and strategic Democrat efforts to marginalize and dismiss mainstream conservatives and the Republican party.
Legitimate, decent, grass roots Tea Party activists and Republicans unwilling to disassociate from groups and candidates whose affiliations to and support for Ron Paul politics, truthers, holocaust deniers, anti-Israel propaganda, New World Order conspiracies and other fringe nonsense only aid and abet the party's internal subversiveness and virtually ensure continued Democrat successes in California and beyond. And, unfortunately, a candidate of Mr. Wayte's political leanings not only sullies the Republican party's name, he devalues the efforts of his area's legitimate grass roots Tea Party activists.
So, why choose to expose someone who possesses limited political clout and will likely view this article as a badge of honor? Because the stakes are too high this election cycle, and in 2012 to continue tolerating the potentially damaging nonsense of "wanna-be" politicians who hide within the Republican party and take their policy cues from the likes of "Libertarian in Republican clothing," Ron Paul; a wingnut who leads by example with his isolationist attitudes, anti-Israel rants, 9/11 "truth" theory pandering, and refusal to distance himself from racists like Don Black.
I first encountered Wayte's true political leanings when a Facebook News feed of his posting flashed before me reading, "While I don't support his politics, he loved my Ron Paul revolution [sic] and ask [sic] to take this picture. Bill Ayers in Fresno” Spelling and wardrobe don't seem to be important to Mr. Wayte, who regularly appears before political crowds in his own "custom designed" t-shirts and appears to lack the ability to use spell check. I've not personally met the man, but, his common sense and questionable intelligence can easily be discerned from his Facebook postings, comments, and group affiliations, which include an anti-Israel bias and a 9/11 Truther Movement association. See the slideshow below. One posting includes an article entitled, "Israeli MP says Israel started shooting before even boarding flotilla ship.” Mr. Wayte's comment above the post reads, "Facts are stubborn.....” Now, it doesn't require a rocket scientist to conduct an internet search which will produce literally tens of thousands of hits on the flotilla incident. Aside from conspiracy theory sites, questionable blogs and anti-Semitic, anti-Israel sites, prolific factual information exists about the Turkish sponsored ship, Mavi Marmara, and its links to global jihad and how the events played out. Never ones to let facts stand in the way of an opportunity to bash Israel and push a Ron Paul inspired isolationist agenda, Mr. Wayte represents the worst kind of propagandist; ignorant, uninformed and unreasonably attached to a fringe narrative that serves to not only undermine the Republican party's image, but its ability to win elections.
Intrigued as to why anyone associated with a Tea Party group, particularly in a leadership position, would feel comfortable appearing with his arm around a domestic terrorist like Bill Ayers, I continued on to his Facebook wall to follow the thread. There, I discovered comments such as "... I think you would surprised [sic] how much Bill Ayers would agree with us on Tea Party issues." Uh...actually, I support the legitimate Tea Party groups, Mr. Wayte, and have written in support of my local area's efforts here and here. As a conservative and registered Republican, I can say with all certainty, Mr. Wayte, that I personally have nothing in common with Bill Ayers. Nothing at all. And, I'm surprised to hear a fellow self-described Republican and candidate for any level office identify with someone like Mr. Ayers.
Mr. Wayte's activist experience has brought him into contact with enough Republican Party candidates that he should know better. Instead, he literally believes, like all conspiracy theory advocates, that he does know better. His campaign description, albeit grammatically flawed, clearly illustrates this point. "While many believe the job of the Fresno County GOP is to get Republicans elected, which is true. [sic] The real job is to identify TRUE conservatives that understand and respect the Constitution of The United States of America."
You see, in his own mind, he is uniquely qualified to detect a Republican "fraud.” And in his self-determined estimation, Mr. Wayte and other candidates of the Ron Paul "influence" see things we mere mortals are unable to detect. Whatever.
After all the Central Valley has been through with water issues and unemployment, don't the decent, hardworking people of that region deserve better than a candidate who believes elements inside the United States government colluded with an esoteric, nebulous and ever-changing "organization" to purposely bring down the World Trade Centers in order to rationalize the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, expand U.S. control of Middle Eastern oil, provide jobs for Halliburton, increase military spending and to restrict domestic civil liberties, as just some of the stories go?
And, why would the Republican party want someone like this as a representative? That question remains unanswered despite two phone calls to Dr. Sidhu, chairman of the Fresno County Republican party.
Here's a clue Central Valley, any Republican whose major beliefs contain the words "anti" as in anti-Israel, or "truther" needs to be marginalized. These candidates hurt the Republican Party, the legitimate Tea Party groups, and all conservatives.
Finally, Republican candidate for California Governor, Larry Naritelli, and Republican candidate for California's 8th Congressional District, (Nancy Pelosi's seat), John Dennis, whom I wrote about here, and here, also disappoint.
After discovering his name on the We Are Change Bakersfield Facebook group, I personally notified Mr. Naritelli on May 6th, provided the link, and pointedly asked, "Are you a 9/11 truther?” His response, "9/11 was caused by terrorists not our government”, sufficed at the time. However, his name remains linked to the page (see photo 13 in slide show below), at least as of this writing. One has to wonder why.
*Update - At 6:46 pm this evening, June 7, Mr. Naritelli contacted me after having read this article, and respectfully informed me that he has now removed himself from all FB groups. Further, he reiterated that he was not a 9/11 truther, as I noted above. He then directed me to his website.
While I acknowledge and commend Mr. Naritelli for his separation from the We Are Change Bakersfield website, I remain disappointed it required public exposure - a situation I endeavored to avoid - to make it so. And, while innocently exploring various Facebook groups can be instructive, once a site's emphasis is clear, the choice to connect or disconnect is as simple as clicking the "Like" or "Leave group" option.
Courting fringe groups, or true believers? Either way, a candidate's choice to leave his/her name associated with fringe lunatic, 9/11 truther sites and Ron Paul demonstrates a questionable lack of judgment.
By Jill J fryer
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