The first thing that we need to realize is that the Illegal Immigrants in California are not the source of our problems. They are the result of our problems, not the cause that is adversely affecting California and our communities.
It is no surprise to anyone who pays attention to our Government, that the source of the illegal immigration problem is our own Social Welfare state. It has created the incentives that attract workers from around the world.
Our government turns its attention away from the problem, and allows employers to openly hire Illegal Immigrants without any of the workplace standards demanded of our American companies.
If you were in China, or India or Costa Rica why would you work grueling hours for low wages, with poor or no benefits? Instead, you can come to California and the United States and get every kind of benefits, even if you do not pay taxes. If you are willing to work, unskilled jobs will become available, but if you wanted to stay home with your children and do nothing, Californian’s will pay you for that also.
So for a politician to say they want to build that fence and put troops on the border will not address the problem, they are just creating another challenge for Illegal Immigrants to overcome, and they will by the millions if the real PROBLEMS is not corrected.
The electorate must realize that our Southern Border is only the symbol of the illegal aliens entering this country. They do not only come up from the south, but the come from every corner of the world, and by every means of transportation. Realistically we cannot stop their entry, no matter what we do we can only delay very small numbers entry.
There is only one way to correct our predicament, and that is we must stop all the Government incentives to non-residents, then we must go after employers who violate the law. There are some obvious types of jobs that are dominated by Illegals, and those are the first ones to tackle. This could be completely accomplished within 90 days, and it would cost the state very little additional money at all, so why has it not been done?
The answer lies in the problem, which has progressed over the years. Starting as a simple solution to the problem of not enough cheap unskilled labor, as predicted by the economists, and has grown to the point that the President of Mexico is here in the United States lobbying the US Congress to keep our borders porous. If it seems like every politician has a financial interest to keep our borders open while ignoring the fact that California has double-digit unemployment and we are headed for bankruptcy, then there should be a serious investigation of our politicians.
However, there are a few areas that will need special consideration. The first is California’s commercial agricultural industry. Many undocumented aliens have worked in agricultural positions that are difficult to impossible to fill with American residents or citizens.
For these reasons, any new laws or tightening and increased enforcement of existing Immigration laws need to have a provision for commercial farming. One suggestion is to allow one exemption for every five acres cultivated. With the agricultural exemption, there should be a process that makes these workers legal residents.
All other employers need to be given thirty days to replace their illegal employees with legal Californian residents. At the end of the grace period, enforcement needs to be aggressive, and the fine needs to be debilitating.
One suggestion was to fine employers for the first offence, $1,000 per illegal employee, plus a 30 days suspension of their business license, and 7 days in county jail. The second offence should be $5,000 per employee and a 90-day suspension of their business license and 30 days in jail. Third time $10,000 per illegal employee, permanent termination of their business license, and one year in jail. What do you bet there will be no third time offenders? The object is to stop the practice of hiring Illegals, not sending people to jail.
Going after the corrupt employers in California rather than trying to identify illegal immigrants by other means, will only harass, and alienate our Hispanic community. It is relative easy to identify Mexican illegal immigrants, but we have no idea how many Asian, European, African, and Middle Eastern Illegals we have living off of the same benefits and occupying jobs that could take a legal resident off unemployment.
We as a compassionate society need to stop demonizing hard working people that only want a better life for their families, who can blame them. We also need to stop the immoral exploitation of vulnerable people especially in underground sweatshops, along with removing the human tragedy along our southern border.
Going after the employer also is non-discriminatory, as it covers all illegal immigrants, Asian, European, African and Middle Eastern, not just Latinos. Illegal immigrants must return to their countries of origin to get in line for proper visas, to be fair across the board.
Another area of special consideration is alien families with children born in the United States, as any child born here is an automatic citizen. In the Illegal community these children are known as ‘Anchors’, and expectant mothers time their entry into the United States as to have their babies here. Going straight to the emergency room, the American taxpayer pays for everything and it has been California’s policy not to send ICE (US Immigration and Customs Enforcement), rather we send the California Department of Social Services, welfare representative.
Because the benefits are so good, most end up staying on welfare and having more anchor children to collect higher welfare payments. If they work, it is only on an under the table undeclared wages situation.
A number of changes in our laws need to be made, first children born to illegal immigrants should not have automatic citizenship. Secondly, after the Mother and baby are well enough to travel, they need to be returned to their country of origin, and some argue that they should go to jail, which is to discourage them from coming back again, or others doing the same thing. To me that seems a bit draconian, but this cannot continue as we have no money for lifelong welfare cases.
The best solution for our illegal immigration problem is to go after the employers, and the Illegals will repatriate themselves within a matter of a month of two. This does not have to be a painful solution. In fact if done correctly not more than a half dozen employers will be singled out, so let’s get this done so we can put our legal residents back to work.
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